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Richard Coates 

CE Primary School

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Our Staff

                                        Here at Richard Coates we are all working to ensure every child finds a way to shine!


Mr Watson is our Headteacher and Mrs Roys is our Acting Deputy Head Teacher


Our Key Stage 2 Team are led by Mrs Roys


           Mrs Main ………………………………………….Year 6 Teacher

             Mrs Roys..............................................Year 5 Teacher

             Mrs Bray...............................................Year 5 Teacher

              Mrs Huitson……………….....…………………..Year 5 Teacher 

          Mrs Bonner………………………………….….Year 4 Teacher

              Miss Henderson.................................... Year 4 Teacher

           Mrs Wilson………………… ................….Year 3 Teacher 

                                 Miss Rutter........................................... Year 3 Teacher (and SENCO)


           Teaching Assistants: Mrs Hally, Mrs Snowball, Mrs Glendinning, Miss Temple, Miss Nelmes and Mrs Kyte


Our Key Stage 1 Team are led by Ms Tweddle


    Ms Tweddle……………………………………..Year 2 Teacher

      Ms Thomas………….........……………………Year 2 Teacher

       Miss Graham........................................Year 1 Teacher

               Miss Sinnamon………………………………...………..Year 1 Teacher


                      Teaching Assistants: Mrs Harrison, Mrs Dixon, Mr Runciman and Mrs Morton


Our EYFS team are led by Mrs Brogden

                   Mrs Brogden…………………………………..Reception Teacher

                 Miss Crombie…………………...……………..Nursery Teacher


                  Teaching Assistants: Mrs Thompson and Ms Parkin


Our Support team are led by Mrs L. Langan, our Business Manager


Caretaker Mr Bell and his cleaning team, Mrs Halliwell, Mrs Armstrong, Mrs Simpson, Mr Bransby

Admin Assistants: Mrs Blackburn and Miss Gratton

Lunchtime Team: Miss Poole, Mrs Hibbit, Mr Million, Mr Rettig and Mrs Milligan
