How can I get a place for my child at Richard Coates CE Primary School?
Nursery provides early education for children aged three to five years and offers opportunities to play and learn through structured activities. Children are usually admitted the term after their third birthday, however, from September 2020 we are able to offer a place as soon as your child turns three. At Richard Coates we understand the need to be flexible and can offer nursery sessions across the week to fit the needs of your child and your circumstances, depending upon availability of places.
The school is able to accommodate places for children for 15 hours and these sessions are Monday-Wednesday AM or Wednesday PM-Friday.
Nursery places are applied for directly with the school. Please complete our Nursery Application Form.
Reception Class
Children will usually start Reception in the September following their fourth birthday. You can apply for a Reception place at Richard Coates online through your Local Authority admission’s portal (your local authority is the council that you pay your council tax to). Simply follow the link to school admissions and select the link for ‘Applying for a place in Reception’. A copy of the school’s admission policy is available via the school website and gives further detail about the allocation of places (paper copies available upon request) click here to view.
When will I find out whether my child has a place?
Nursery Your child’s Nursery place for the Spring Term will be confirmed in October. Your child will be able to begin Nursery at Richard Coates as soon as they have turned three.
You will be informed about your child’s Reception place on 15th April – this is the nationally set offers day for Reception children.
I don’t live within the catchment area of Richard Coates CE School. Does that matter?
No. Over 40% of our pupils currently on roll live outside the defined catchment area.
Will my child get school transport?
Your child will receive free school transport if you live within the catchment area and beyond the statutory walking distance for the school. Transport is also provided for children who live out of catchment (within Northumberland) but are choosing to join Richard Coates for faith reasons: this should be indicated on your application form and a copy of the parent’s or child’s baptismal certificate should be attached.
My child has additional needs/is more able – can their needs be met at Richard Coates CE School?
We work closely with families and outside agencies to ensure that we are fully informed about your child’s need from their very first day here. We can ensure appropriate provision is in place for your child- whether they have a disability, a special need, or if they require additional challenge/stretch. Our Inclusion Team ensures that no matter what difficulty your child may be facing, we can offer support tailored for them. If you would like to speak to a member of our team in more detail, please feel free to make an appointment with Mrs Angela Storey (SEND Co-ordinator).
What extra-curricular opportunities are available for my child?
Richard Coates CE School is widely praised and is well known for its extensive extra-curricular programme, A wide range of sports, music, homework clubs and creative activities are available for your child to join at lunchtime and after school each day.
How will my child’s progress be monitored?
Ofsted noted that there are “excellent systems” in place to check on pupils’ progress and that the standards pupils reach by the end of the school were high. We make it our business to know your child well and to ensure that they not only achieve but excel. we do this by monitoring progress closely and forging strong links with parents so if problems are encountered, they are dealt with swiftly. We have regular parents’ evenings throughout the school year and parents are always welcome to make an appointment to meet teachers at other times.
I need child care before and after school and during the school holidays?
“Shine Club” opened in September 2017 and provides wrap around and Teacher day childcare for our pupils. Morning sessions will operate from 07:30 until the start of school and after school sessions will operate until 18:00. There is a charge for the wrap around care and a booking system is in place.
I have more questions, who can I ask?
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office (01661 823167) or email us at
We warmly welcome visits to the school.