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Richard Coates 

CE Primary School

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At Richard Coates C of E school, we believe that a high quality PSHE education provides children with the tools to lead a healthy and safe life, both physically and mentally. Our PSHE curriculum not only allows children to develop skills, knowledge and attributes to manage their lives in the present day, it also equips them for their future. We hope for children at Richard Coates to leave our school with the confidence and motivation to play an active role in our diverse, and forever changing society, and have the self belief that they can achieve anything they put their mind to. Through our curriculum we want our children to build strategies to maintain good mental health and well-being which will equip them to face everyday challenges. 


Through our curriculum and engaging in events such as Black History Month and Anti-Bullying week, children learn they are integral to making a difference in this world and belong to a wider community. It also promotes the British Values and childrens spiritual, moral, social and cultural development which prepares them for future opportunities and responsibilities. Our Relationship and sex education curriculum enables our children to learn how to be safe, who they can go to if they are at risk and how to develop and maintain positive and healthy relationships. 




PSHE is delivered from Early years right through to Year 6. It is taught through 6 half termly themes:

  • Being friendly and wise

  • We are all stars 

  • Daring to be different 

  • Dear Diary

  • Joining in and joining up 

  • It’s our world


Within these themes we use a question based approach to help with starting a discussion. Each year group has a question they will work towards answering over the half term. 


EYFS- PSHE is embedded across the early years curriculum. The objectives taught are the personal, social and emotional development statements from the Development Matters Framework. 


Key Stage 1 and 2- PSHE is delivered, once a week, through a clear scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum and the PSHE association programme of study. We ensure to cover health and well-being, relationships and the wider world, which includes the statutory Health Education and Relationship Education guidance. In addition to Relationship Education we also deliver aspects of Sex Education e,g, body parts and puberty. 


At Richard Coates, PSHE is implemented in the wider curriculum through encouraging children to have a positive attitude and growth mindset which will enable our children to achieve across the curriculum. Through PSHE and the wider curriculum children build their resilience and enjoy being challenged.  We often incorporate PSHE into our school worships and assemblies such as kindness, courage and protection- staying safe online. Through this the children uphold the ethos of the school, Let Your Light Shine. All children are encouraged to play a positive role in contributing to school life, giving our children a sense of self worth and belonging. 




We endeavour for our children to leave us with the skills, attributes and knowledge to approach different life situations. Through the curriculum we are shaping active, healthy, open minded, responsible and ambitious citizens. Our children learn in a positive and enabling learning environment where the children have developed positive relationships with the staff and their peers. Through open discussions the children have a voice and use this respectfully and honestly. Our children have the tools and strategies to look after their mental health and well-being. Children have a good sense of self worth and self-esteem.

