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CE Primary School

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Richard Coates CE Primary School is a fully inclusive school.  We ensure that all pupils reach their full potential personally, socially, emotionally, physically and educationally. This page will help parents and carers access information and easily understand the procedures involved in supporting Special Educational Needs.


At Richard Coates CE Primary School, our motto is ‘Let your light shine’ – taken from  Matthew’s Gospel. It encapsulates the aim of the school – to be an inclusive school by providing opportunities and encouragement for everyone to make full use of the gifts and talents they have been given, enabling all to achieve their full potential within a caring school enveloped in a Christian Foundation. 


Richard Coates CE Primary School believes that every child has the entitlement to learn, regardless of needs. Our school strives to maximise potential, ensuring inclusion and equality at all stages of school life. We aim to provide a secure, healthy, happy and hardworking environment in which children of all abilities can learn with confidence. All children are entitled to have the opportunity to achieve and reach their full potential. 

Pele Trust, Attainment for All Children


Across the Pele Trust we believe that every child has an entitlement to learn, regardless of need. We aim to maximise potential, offering inclusion and equality at all stages of school life, liaising closely together as schools, and with parents, to offer a personalised curriculum and success for all.  

SENDCOs across the Trust work very effectively together meeting regularly to share good practice, plan and to discuss current research. We rigorously assess and monitor the development of all children from their individual starting points to ensure they are making appropriate and expected progress.

We believe that the most successful way to maximise potential of all children is through the successful partnership of staff, parents, children and support agencies. As a parent you have a vital role in supporting your child’s school life; home and school working together has been proved to be crucial to success. 

What is Special Educational Needs?


In the 2014 Special Educational Needs (SEN) and disability code of practice: 0 to 25, the Department for Education and Department of Health define Special Educational Needs as:


‘A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.


A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:


  • has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or
  • has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions.’


At Richard Coates CE School we are committed to operating as an inclusive school and will do all we can to meet the additional needs of learners to ensure they can access the curriculum and make the most of their unique talents and abilities.

Our first response to any students who may be struggling in class is Ordinarily Available Provision (OAP). This strategy ensures a SMART targeted approach is taken in order to maximise student progress. More information can be found at the links below in our SEND Information Report and SEND Policy.

This page will help parents and carers understand the procedures involved in supporting Special Educational Needs.


Further details about this process and the interventions and support we offer post assessment can be found in our SEN Policy and SEN Information Report.


If you have any queries about an SEN issue please do not hesitate to contact


Samantha Rutter




Any complaints from parents of children with special educational needs will be handled under the school's complaints procedure which is on this website under the policies tab.


For more information regarding SEND at Richard Coates please see the below documents:


Richard Coates CE Primary School SEND Policy 


RCPS School Information Report 2024-2025


RCP Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy


Accessibility Plan  


Northumberland Ordinarily Available Provision Guidance


Link to Northumberland County Council Offer


Link to Newcastle Council offer
