The internet is a fantastic resource that can really enhance the teaching and learning we do with children when they are work remotely. However, we need to ensure there are systems set up at home that ensure our children can work safely. Please ensure you have created a safe online environment with age-appropriate parental controls on digital devices for your children. You should use internet filters to block malicious websites – these are usually free, but often need to be turned on.
Please take the time to look at the information and talk with your children about the work they are doing. You should always know what sites your children are accessing their work from, and online activity should always be supervised.
Teaching children to be aware of the dangers on the internet and keeping themselves safe online is part of the school’s curriculum and is covered every year. It is essential that parents and carers support us with this task whilst children are learning from home.You can find further information from the government Coronavirus (COVID-19) support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online. Information and advice on keeping safe online can also be found at Childline, the UK Safer Internet Centre and CEOP
Children will be set work from approved educational sites. If you have any doubts or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher. As the number of sites and educational organisations offering free support to parents homeschooling children during the COVID-19 is growing daily, it is impossible to list the sites that are available and safe to use. If you have any questions about these, please contact your child’s teacher.
Your child’s class teacher will be communicating with you and your child via email, Google Classroom or Tapestry in the form of written instructions, recorded voice memos or recorded videos. In order to ensure the highest standards of safeguarding, live face-to-face online meetings using apps such as Facetime, Zoom or Google Hangout will only take place with the express consent of both the Headteacher and parents or social workers, and only when deemed essential.
Further information about keeping your child safe online can be found on the following sites:
Many of the safeguarding issues we deal with at school relate to what children access or do during their social and leisure time at home whilst online. Although we are encouraging children to maintain their friendships and social contact with each other online during this crisis, it is essential that this is done openly and where parents can monitor their interactions. You should always be aware of who your child is talking to and messaging, and ensure their interactions are appropriate and respectful. Any concerns about peer-on-peer abuse or bullying should be reported to your child’s class teacher.
The school’s E Safety Co-ordinator is Mrs Carly Robinson. You can contact her via the school admin address. I am the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Miss Sharon Lock is the Deputy DSL: we can both be contacted via the school’s email. Should you have any questions for any of us, please do not hesitate to get in touch and if you have an incident to report please use the flow chart below; further information about this can be found on this link:
Useful Websites
You can find links to some of our online learning resources used at school here.